
aiming at diseases and insect pests Learn more about aiming at diseases and insect pests

  • What if the violet leaves rot?

    What if the violet leaves rot?

    Violet leaves rot mainly in two cases. The first is when watering leaves stained with water, or spray leaves residual water too much, then it needs to be placed in a ventilated place to dry. The second is pests, diseases such as downy mildew, blight, mosaic disease, etc., pests are mainly aphids, then need timely control.

  • How to grow the yellow skin of chicken heart?

    How to grow the yellow skin of chicken heart?

    How to grow the yellow skin of chicken heart? Please guide the cultivation of chicken heart yellow skin can refer to the following methods: first, the main cultivated varieties. At present, the main cultivated varieties are chicken heart yellow skin, selected big chicken heart yellow skin and so on. Second, wampee's requirements for environmental conditions ⑴ temperature: annual average temperature of more than 20 ℃, January average temperature of 12.

  • What kind of pesticides are used in insect eggs?

    What kind of pesticides are used in insect eggs?

    What farmers hate most is pests, which will affect the growth of crops. If you want to kill pests, you have to start by killing eggs. Different agents are aimed at the eggs of different pests. Let's take a look at what pesticides are used for the eggs. Stone-sulfur mixture: it is generally believed that stone-sulfur mixture is suitable for

    2020-11-08 Insect eggs use what pesticides farmers what they hate most is
  • What are the common pests of family farmed flowers? Control methods of common insect pests in flowers

    What are the common pests of family farmed flowers? Control methods of common insect pests in flowers

    Aphids, mosquitoes and flies (bacteria and flies) and whitefly are common pests in domestic flower culture, which not only adversely affect the ornamental of flowers, but also seriously threaten the healthy growth of flowers. There are two main methods for the prevention and control of flower pests, one is killing, mainly aimed at pests with large individuals and a small number, and the other is insecticide.

  • How to plant and manage the yellow bark tree?

    How to plant and manage the yellow bark tree?

    How to plant and manage the yellow bark tree? What should I pay attention to when planting wampee trees? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce that wampee is one of the fruits in southern China, which can be salted or sweetened into cold fruit in addition to fresh food. It has the effect of relieving food, relieving qi and eliminating heat. Roots, leaves and kernels (that is, seeds) have qi, stagnation, table resolution and dispersion.

  • The latest points for attention in horseradish planting

    The latest points for attention in horseradish planting

    Wasabi is a very precious seasoning food in the world at present, which is not only good in taste, but also rich in nutrition, but also has a variety of pharmacological effects, such as antibacterial, anticancer, antioxidant and so on. it is very popular in the market, with great market demand and high price. Many people aim at its business.

    2020-11-10 Most Xinshan sunflower planting precautions mountain yes at present
  • Planting and management techniques of carambola

    Planting and management techniques of carambola

    Planting and management techniques of carambola

  • Rice diseases and insect pests: how to treat rice heart-drilling insects?

    Rice diseases and insect pests: how to treat rice heart-drilling insects?

    How to treat rice heart-drilling worm? Please introduce the control methods in detail. You can refer to the following methods for control: first, update rice varieties: compress or eliminate a small number of varieties that are particularly susceptible to insects, so as to reduce the pressure and occurrence of chemical control. Second, killing pupae by flooding: due to the harm of Chilo suppressalis.

  • Some tips for growing bayberry

    Some tips for growing bayberry

    Red bayberry has luxuriant branches, round crown and numerous red fruits in early summer. it is an excellent tree species combined with landscaping. It is suitable to plant alone, in clusters on lawns, courtyards, or on the side of the road; if close planting is used to separate the space or cover it.

    2020-11-08 Growing poplar plum one some small tricks bayberry luxuriant branches crown
  • What if Phnom Penh Cymbidium grows insects? disease and pest control of Phnom Penh Cymbidium / 3 insects and 2 diseases

    What if Phnom Penh Cymbidium grows insects? disease and pest control of Phnom Penh Cymbidium / 3 insects and 2 diseases

    As a kind of hanging orchid, Phnom Penh has inherited many advantages of its ancestors. It not only has strong adaptability and good growth, but also can absorb formaldehyde, which is the reason why flower friends keep it at home. However, in indoor farming, the plant inevitably grows sick for a variety of reasons. that

  • What kind of pesticide does millet use?

    What kind of pesticide does millet use?

    Millet is a plant of the family Gramineae. In ancient times, it was called millet and millet, but it was actually millet without shelling. This crop has a long history in China and is one of the traditional grains, which was found in the Neolithic cultural sites as early as six or seven thousand years ago. So in science,

    2020-11-08 Millet with what pesticide millet genus Gramineae
  • The latest course on techniques and methods of carambola planting management

    The latest course on techniques and methods of carambola planting management

    Carambola planting is just the beginning, the real test of growers is the orchard management after the event. If carambola trees want to have high yield, more than half of the reasons are controlled by late management technology, so this can not be ignored. Then we should pay attention to the management of carambola orchard.

    2020-11-10 The latest carambola planting management techniques methods tutorials
  • What pesticide does Sanhua Li use?

    What pesticide does Sanhua Li use?

    Sanhua plum, a specialty agricultural product in Wengyuan County, Guangdong Province, passed the inspection of the former General Administration of quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine in 2010 and became a national geographical indication product of China. Sanhua plum fruit-shaped white through red, the entrance is not astringent and honey taste, crisp and sweet full of fragrance. So planting Sanhua plums

    2020-11-08 Sanhua Li Yong what pesticides Li yes Guangdong Province
  • The latest course of planting techniques and methods of spades

    The latest course of planting techniques and methods of spades

    Peaches are popular fruits, but spades may be known less, but now a lot of spades are sold in the market. So how to grow this kind of peach? Let's learn about the planting techniques of spades so that you can have more hands.

    2020-11-10 The latest spades planting techniques methods tutorials peaches yes belong to
  • What to do with the growing insects of bamboo and cypress, the control of common diseases and insect pests / 3 insect pests and 3 diseases

    What to do with the growing insects of bamboo and cypress, the control of common diseases and insect pests / 3 insect pests and 3 diseases

    For bamboo and cypress, flower friends should be no stranger, it is neither bamboo nor cypress, it is a beautiful foliage plant, raised by many people at home. However, in indoor breeding, due to improper maintenance, high air humidity, poor ventilation and other reasons, bamboo and cypress are easy to get sick, affecting the growth of plants. So, what about the bamboo and cypress worms?

  • The problem of "three controls" fertilization for growing Rice

    The problem of

    The technology of three-controlled fertilization for rice is aimed at the outstanding problems in rice production, such as excessive application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, unstable yield, low fertilizer use efficiency, serious environmental pollution and so on. efficient and safe fertilization and matching characterized by fertilizer control, seedling control, disease and pest control (referred to as three controls)

    2020-11-08 Planting rice "three controls " fertilization problems three controls
  • Yellow leaves don't blossom? This kind of treatment is even better than the newly bought one.

    Yellow leaves don't blossom? This kind of treatment is even better than the newly bought one.

    Many flower lovers grow flowers, and they are easy to panic when they encounter problems. I don't know where to start. Today, Huahua will teach you a simple "diagnosis and treatment" method that can aim at the symptoms in a second! Common diseases in the maintenance process of flower cultivation, the most common questions.

  • Key points of Management in Grain filling stage of planting Rice

    Key points of Management in Grain filling stage of planting Rice

    The grain filling stage is the key period to determine the yield of rice. Field management should aim to maintain roots and protect leaves, prevent premature senescence, improve photosynthetic efficiency, promote grain filling, and increase seed setting rate and grain weight. First, apply grain fertilizer to look at the seedlings, the fields and the sky. The leaves are yellow and swords.

    2020-11-08 Planting rice grain filling stage management key points
  • Prevention and control of main diseases and insect pests of rhododendron

    Prevention and control of main diseases and insect pests of rhododendron

    (1) ① brown spot of rhododendron: it is the main disease of rhododendron. At the beginning of the disease, small brown spots appeared on the leaf surface, and then gradually expanded into large dark brown patches, and many black or grayish brown spots were scattered on the disease spot. The damaged leaves turn yellow and fall off easily, which not only affects the flowering of the same year.

  • Control of Diseases and insect pests of Sambucus chinensis

    Control of Diseases and insect pests of Sambucus chinensis

    Elderberry is a common plant, the fruit is more, small and compact, the color is red, has a high medicinal value, there are many people are breeding it. However, because it will have pests, if no one takes measures to save or eliminate the natural enemies of insects, it is also very difficult to cure it, so today we are going to talk about how to do a good job in pest control.
